What is May Day and why?

The first Labor Day was celebrated in Argentina in 1819, and the international labor movement was celebrated simultaneously. And public holidays were declared in 1930. This day is celebrated in many countries of the world. It is called Labor Day or International Labor Day. This day has been achieved through historic struggle.
What is May Day and why?
This day is also known as May Day. Everyone abstains from work on this day. Rally goes out and many things are celebrated on this day but no one works. During the British period, the work was done more but the wages were not given to the workers. So this movement was made.


Around eighty countries around the world observe May 1st as a national holiday. This day is also observed in Bangladesh and India. It is recognized and declared as a public holiday in different countries. The day is celebrated mainly with the slogan of eight hours of work, eight hours of entertainment, and half an hour of rest. Because the laborers had to work hard for 10 to 12 hours continuously in return the wages were very meager.

Why is Labor Day celebrated?

Labor Day is an annual holiday celebration for workers. The movement originated in 8 hours of work, 8 hours of recreation, and eight hours of rest. Many countries claim May Day as a public holiday and that is why May Day is celebrated. Bharti is celebrated in 1923 and has a great history there. Labor Party Abhindustan has not decided to observe this day.

What is May Day and why?

May Day is called International Workers' Day. This day is celebrated every year on May 1st. Workers were forced to work 10 to 12 hours for little wages. They had no entertainment and had a day off. They worked hard for little wages. On this day in 1886, many workers were injured by the police while protesting for wages and eight hours a day in the city of Chicago, USA. Since then this day has been celebrated as May Day.

When is May Day celebrated?

The first May Day was celebrated in Argentina in 1890 AD when the international labor movement began. And in 1930, May Day was officially declared as a holiday. May Day was declared a public holiday in Germany in 1933. The biggest movement was in Chicago where 40 thousand Samirs moved together.

Workers' demand for eight-hour work was officially recognized. And May 1st day is still celebrated as the day of workers' demands. In 1889, the social worker trade union labor leaders of 20 countries decided to celebrate May 1st as 'May Day' at an international congress.

Author's comments

Workers' Day is an international day that has been achieved through many movements. This movement was made to reduce the tireless work of the daily wage laborers. And this day was gained through many casualties.

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